Expand & Emerge

transformation Aug 14, 2023

Once you've taken the time to Unwind & Unlearn and Restore & Replenish, you're ready to Expand & Emerge.

The real you has always been in there. You just got covered up with all the muck of the world.


I've seen this process happen time and time again in my pelvic bowl healing work and during my online program.

When you release what's no longer serving you, give back to people their thoughts and opinions, and allow yourself to truly be YOU, magic happens.


To Expand means to increase in extent, size, volume, or scope. To spread or stretch out. To unfold, to express in fuller form or greater detail, or to develop.

You expand yourself into an even greater version than you've ever known.


And then you can emerge meaning to come forth into you or notice as if from concealment or obscurity, to rise or come forth, to come up or arise, to come into existence, to rise and form as from an inferior or unfortunate state or condition.


What happens right now when you imagine yourself expanding and emerging as the most amazing version of yourself? Most people fear some kind of fear when asked this type of question.

It can feel scary to let go of our wounds or the walls we've put around ourselves. Maybe you fear that others will attack you or you'll get canceled? Or maybe this just feels really out of reach.


We all need support. We needs guides and we need community. My online program, The Flourish Way™ Experience offers you both.




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